Mini Golf & Putt Putt Obstacle Rentals

The Authentic Mini Golf & Putt Putt Rental Experience

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Gazebo Mini Golf Obstacle

The Gazebo Mini Golf Obstacle is often selected on our 9 & 18 hole mini golf rentals. Painted in whimsical colors including neon green for the base and lattice walls, neon yellow for the roof, red trim along the roof, a blue top piece and standing at over 6 feet tall, mini golf players just like the zany appearance of this obstacle. There are 3 options for the putt to pass through the Gazebo depending what was the intention of our mini golf course designers for this specific rental. The Gazebo sits on a base that has two large openings on the right and left hand sides. An event guest that does not see a ramp between the right & left openings can putt to either openings and their golf ball will easily come out the other side. When a decorative ramp is present, then this mini golf obstacle becomes exponentially more fun. There may be an obstruction in the right hand opening, the left hand opening or both. It is not known as the obstruction is not seen but if an event guest is the 1st player in their foursome and tries to go through either openings and their putt bounces back at them, then the rest of the players will know to avoid that side. When that happens the wise putt to do is to go up the ramp and through the Gazebo. This putt requires a smooth golf stroke as you want the ball to go up the ramp with speed, pass through the interior of the Gazebo and proceed down the ramp on the either side to the next part of the fairway