Mini Golf & Putt Putt Obstacle Rentals

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Rail Suspension Bridge Obstacle

The Rail Suspension Bridge is a versatile mini golf obstacle that is used on both our traditional & modern courses. Manufactured of metal and extremely durable to outdoor elements, it adds a uniqueness to whatever hole it is placed on. Our mini golf course designers place this obstacle between two terrain pieces. Since the Rail Suspension Bridge is totally 6 inches wide, there is quite amount of open space on either side of the bridge. In some course designs, these open spaces are covered with wooden triangles so the only way to get to the next part of the hole is to transcend over the bridge. In other course designs, the open space remains open. On these holes, the event guests putt must be precise because if your putt lands off the course, a penalty stroked will be assessed.

The opening or mouth of the Rail Suspension Bridge is only 4.5 inches. The diameter of a golf ball is approximately 1.68 inches. Thus, there is plenty of space on the bridge for the ball to enter in the center of the bridge and proceed to the next part of the hole. The key is to get the putt on the bridge. The Rail Suspension Bridge has been manufactured with a lower rail and an upper rail. Thus, once your putt is on the Bridge it will not fall off into what is below. The span of the bridge is 2.5 feet and most putts easily glide through. However, hit your putt too strongly and not straight and the ball will bounce off the rails on the bridge and redirect your putt once it comes off the bridge.The challenge is the opening width of the rail suspension bridge is only 4.5 inches. The diameter of a golf ball is approximately 1.68 inches. Thus, there is plenty of space on the bridge for the ball to enter in the center of the bridge and proceed directly to the cup

Branding of The Rail Suspension Bridge Mini Golf Obstacle Rental

The Rail Suspension Bridge offers a few different branding options for brand activations & mini golf event sponsorships. On the outer part of each side of the Bridge, branded signage can be hung. Additionally, the span of the bridge can also be branded with a vinyl. The Bridge can be painted to match specific colors from the PMS color chart. Lastly, more several Bridges can be attached to each other creating a much longer span. The longest span we have done to date was a color matched bridge that was 7.5 feet long. For more branding & customizing options, proceed to the Obstacles under the Branding Category.