Mini Golf & Putt Putt Obstacle Rentals

The Authentic Mini Golf & Putt Putt Rental Experience

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Steel Bridge Obstacle

The Steel Bridge is one of many mini golf obstacles that is offered with our traditional mini golf rental courses. Manufactured of angled steel it weighs 55 pounds and once it is placed on a specific hole it is not moving. With a span of 48 inches, it is both a decorative & challenging obstacle. On the bridge are 8 bumps, 2 in the front as the bridge ascends, 4 in the middle where the bridge is flat and 2 in the back where the bridge descends. These 8 bumps are not aligned which makes putting through The Steel Bridge a tricky putt. There is certainly a way of putting through without hitting any of the bumps, but it is wise to take a close look of The Steel Bridge when it is on of the holes. It is available in a vibrant red and yellow.